3 Rules You Thought You Knew – Vol 2 Issue 6

** REMINDER ** You should have your 19/20 Crest on your sweater now! If you don’t have it, you can’t work!

The Linesman shall report to the Referee at the next stoppage of play his version of any infraction of the rules that he believes constitutes a bench minor, major, match, misconduct, game misconduct or penalty shot under these rules. In addition, the Linesman shall give his version of any Injury Potential Penalty (see Glossary) that occurs behind the play and is not observed by the Referee. The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a penalty for such infractions.

What constitutes an “injury potential penalty?”
An aggressive foul that has the potential to cause injury to an opponent. Rule References 503(e) and Glossary.

The determining factor as to whether or not an infraction is an “injury potential infraction” is the penalty infraction itself. An injury to a player or goalkeeper is not a necessary requirement for a penalty to be classified as an “injury potential penalty.”

Injury Potential Penalties
Injury Potential Penalties include Boarding, Body Checking (Body Contact Classifications), Butt-Ending, Charging, Checking from Behind, Cross-Checking, Elbowing, Head-Butting, Head Contact, High Sticking, Holding the Facemask, Kicking, Kneeing, Roughing, Slashing and Spearing. The linesman is required to report these infractions to the referee following the next stoppage of play that may have occurred and were unobserved by the referee.

A defending player shoots the puck into his own goal from outside the crease with an attacking player standing unimpeded in the crease (the goalkeeper is in the crease). Does the goal count?

No. Rule Reference 625(b).

Regardless of what player puts the puck into the goal, no goal may be scored if a player of the attacking team intentionally stands in the goal crease, with the goalkeeper in the crease, unless the puck is already in the goal crease.

For a slashing penalty to be assessed, must stick contact be made with the opposing player?

No. Rule Reference 634(a).

If the object of a slashing motion is to intimidate an opponent or to actually try to strike him, stick contact is not necessary in order for a penalty to be assessed.

Points of Emphasis
You’re either part of the change or part of the problem.
The full text and video can be found at: www.usahockey.com/declaration
However, the Michagan Amatuer Hockey Association <www.maha.org/> has put together a shorter version of the video that can be viewed below or via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JifeJMApfQU