18/19 Registration Changes
On the USA front there are some changes to the registration for the 18-19 season.
USA Hockey is going to a two-tier fee structure starting with the 2018-19 season. There will be one fee for Level 1 and another fee for all other levels.
Level 1 $45 + $25 (MA Fee) =$70
Level 2,3 & 4 are now all the same fee $90 + $25 (MA Fee) = $115.
Important change for Level 1 officials that are 16 or over – you can only remain at level 1 for 2 years, and then you will have to move to level 2.
If you are a returning level 3 or 4 ( meaning you passed the closed book test and are a level 3 and skating test for level 4) you can test out of the elective modules. Additionally, in the 19-20 season if you are a level 3 or 4 for three years (complete level 3 or complete level 4 for 3 consecutive years) you can attend a 3 day seminar and become tenured, more information on this program will be shared shortly.
All open-book exams will be level-specific with only 50 questions on each test.
Finally, all levels need to have all requirements complete by March 15 (was previously April 30th).